Laboratory of Molecular Oncology is aimed at future translation of fundamental discoveries about cancer mechanisms into the development of potential prognostic markers and therapeutic strategies. Research in the field of molecular oncology contributes to the understanding of the chemical, molecular, biochemical, cellular basis of cancer and tumor progression, including signal transmission processes, the role of energy and metabolism in cancer pathology, DNA damage, drug resistance, etc.


Study of the mechanisms underlying cancer, for a deep understanding of the biology of tumors

Development and optimization of new anticancer therapy

Development of new solutions in CAR immunotherapy against solid tumors

Conducting preclinical and clinical trials

Prospects for the translation of new targeted methods of diagnosis and treatment of oncological pathologies into the clinic

Prospects for the implementation of CRISPR/Cas9 technology, three-dimensional cultivation of organoids,

including samples from patients with cancer.

  • Nikolai Barlev
    Professor and Laboratory Head
  • Dos Sarbassov
    and NLA General Director
  • Dinara Begimbetova, Ph.D
    and Leading Reseacher
  • Dina Rakhmash
    Assistant Researcher
  • Aleksei Petukhov
    Assistant Researcher

The CELENA® X High Content Imaging System

An integrated imaging system designed for rapid, high content image acquisition and analysis. Customizable imaging protocols, image-based and laser autofocusing modules, and a motorized XYZ stage simplify well plate imaging and slide scanning. The integrated CELENA® X Cell Analyzer software processes images and data for quantitative analysis. Research methods: 4-channel fluorescence, brightfield, phase contrast, colour brightfield.
BioTek Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader
Combines automated microscopy and conventional microplate detection in a configurable, upgradable platform. The microscopy module offers up to 60x magnification in fluorescence, brightfield, high contrast brightfield, color brightfield, and phase contrast to address many applications and workflows.

Olympus BX53, Japan

Trinocular transmitted light microscope complete with fluorescence, color digital camera and digital monochrome camera with monochrome capability, software for karyotyping (Vision), FISH analysis and DNA comet analysis (TriTek CometScorePro).